Drought Indicators
US Drought Monitor
The US Drought Monitor tracks weekly drought status, from no drought to Exceptional Drought across the US.
USDA Weather and Drought Monitor
USDA's weather and drought monitor publishes daily and weekly weather and agricultural yield information.
Rangeland Analysis Platform
The Rangeland Analysis Platform offers a variety of useful web applications to analyze vegetation condition in rangelands.
Crop-CASMA allows users to map remotely sensed and modeled soil moisture and vegetation condition across the contiguous US.
National Integrated Drought Information System Dashboard
NIDIS compiled drought resources targeted for farmers and ranchers.
Water Resources
Natural Resources Conservation Service
The Natural Resources Conservation Service Reservoir Report provides updates on reservoir levels and water supply forecasts.
Nevada Division of Water Resources Water Level Data
The Nevada Division of Water Resources Water Level Data portal serves information about groundwater levels.
OpenET provides information about evapotranspiration estimated using multiple methods. Access requires a free account.
California-Nevada River Forecast Center
The California-Nevada River Forecast Center provides short-term streamflow forecasts focused on flooding, as well as longer term forecasts.
Climate Prediction Center
The Climate Prediction Center provides long-lead (next week to next year) weather and climate forecasts.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides up-to-date reports on snow, soil moisture and precipitation. It’s a current snapshot that also provides information about snow-sourced streamflow.
The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes at UC San Diego provides monthly estimates of how likely the water-year (October – September) is to deliver normal precipitation across the western US.
The National Interagency Coordination Center
The National Interagency Coordination Center provides maps and reports describing the likelihood that significant wildfires will occur in the coming days and months.
Market and Economic Conditions
Farmers.gov lists USDA and NRCS financial assistance programs for farmers and ranchers, including information about preparation, insurance and disaster relief programs.
National Agricultural Statistics Service
The National Agricultural Statistics Service provides access to data about crop and commodity prices and links to national agricultural surveys.
AgRisk Viewer
The AgRisk Viewer allows users to easily access data about losses and crop insurance from the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA).
The Cattle Range
The Cattle Range website provides market reports and information about cattle prices.
Small Business Association Disaster Loan Assistance
The Small Business Association provides loan assistance for those impacted by disasters, including drought.