As land and vegetation becomes drier as drought conditions persist, the danger that wildfire poses to homes and inhabitants becomes greater. Below you’ll find links to helpful wildfire tools and maps, including wildfire potential outlooks and tips on how to keep your home fire-safe.
Current Nevada Fire Information:
- Great Basin Wildfire Status Dashboard (IAFC)
- InciWeb Incident Information System (NWCD)
- Nevada Fire Info (DOI)
Fire Outlooks:
- Dry Thunderstorm/Lightning Potential Outlook Map (NOAA SPC)
- National 7-Day Significant Fire Potential for the Great Basin (NIFC)
- National Significant Wildland Fire Potential Monthly-Seasonal Outlook (NIFC)
Helpful Resources:
- Living with Fire (Extension)
- Nevada Natural Resources and Fire Information Portal (NDF)
- Western Region Fire Weather (NOAA-NWS)
- Drought Management Database (NDMC) contains drought mitigation and response strategies implemented across the United States, including fire